Hope, Truth, and Grace. And More Hope.
Christianity has been challenged numerous times during its history, from the early Roman persecutions to Communist Russia. In the early 21st century in the west Christianity is being challenged by the pseudo-religion of post-modernism, or "Woke." This is hardly the first site to take up this subject, but we believe that Christ's message of hope is even more important in these cynical times. We'll explore themes that contrast this message with the secular ideas that have gained traction in American culture, always with an eye to the ultimate grace and truth in Christ's message as the best answer.

About the photography
The pictures scattered throughout the site were taken in 2017 at Glendoloch, an ancient monastery south of Dublin, and on the isle of Iona in the Inner Hebrides, Scotland.

Pastor John Hiestand
John is the pastor of Salmon Creek Church in Vancouver, WA. He is also a musician and writer, who is particularly drawn to the revival of Celtic spirituality, reflected in the images on this site. He strongly believes that the grace of Christ provides a potent, clear answer to the hoplessness of post-modernism.